In Person: Praxis
135 National Business Parkway, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Networking Begins at 7:30am, Program at 8am
Please contact tob@centralmd.afceachapters.org with specific question about the event!
Title: An Introduction to Using Open Source Data Science and Machine Learning Techniques for Windows Malware Identification. (For aspiring cyber security software engineers and data scientists.)
Description: This specific talk will dive into a high-level introduction to Windows (x86) malware and some of the open source techniques any software engineer can use to help identify it. Bill will leverage his experience in large scale data science engineering projects in other domains along with his research and instruction experiences as an adjunct faculty member in Data Science at the UMD iSchool to bring a complex subject down to an introductory level from where you can start your journey to being an awesome Cybersecurity Software Engineer.